Sunday, December 16, 2007

Home, Israel, Washington D.C.

Originally uploaded by reubenaingber

So this weekend I was home for about 18 hours, cause I lost my car keys, then I took the train back to Albany just before the snow began to fall again. Now its just about 3 am, and I have a busy 3 weeks ahead of me. Here's the update for those of you that don't know yet.

Tuesday @12 PM, I will be leaving Albany, NY for Winter break, I will be home for 4 days then its off to Israel on December 23 @ 3 PM. I will be in Israel with my good friend Brian, and a group of other people on AIPAC, Advanced Advocacy Mission to Israel, I will have my laptop and will blog when I can. I return to the states at 4:45 AM on December 31, just in time for New Years. On New Years Day, I am traveling down to Washington, D.C. with a bunch of cool people (Brian, Kim, Mike, and Joey) for AIPACs Saban Conference. I am back home from January 4-22, then back in Albany for the spring semester.

So a busy few weeks ahead of me, but I am very excited. Expect lots of blogging from home, Isreal, and Washington, and lots of pictures on flickr and facebook!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.